Monday 11 May 2020

Welcome to SFI Affiliate Center

          SFI has been doing business for a long time already. Many people have been helped by all those ventures while promoting products as well as extending SFI company to people coming from all walks of life.

         Hence for my sharing today allow me to quote this part of our lesson so as to grow in the company.

" Welcome to SFI's exclusive Affiliate "getting started" program, LaunchPad™. We're excited about your decision to join the Strong Future International team, and we look forward to building something great together!
LaunchPad provides you with the training you need to create your very own "wealth plan" and a profitable SFI business. This series of lessons will give you a solid foundation upon which to build your business. 
Although you're certainly free to jump ahead in this series if you want, we strongly suggest you read each LaunchPad Lesson in order your first time through the course. We've arranged our LaunchPad lessons to take you step-by-step through the many aspects of the SFI Affiliate Program. We'll introduce basic concepts and terms, and then we'll expand and build on those topics. In this way, you'll gain a growing understanding of all SFI has to offer you, while avoiding unnecessary confusion." - Source: SFI Affiliate Center 


         Thus everyone is invited to be a part of this very positive company and together we will grow in the spirit of unity, sharing and love.