Saturday, 26 October 2013

Sample Earnings from SFI

          This is an example of how an affiliate could earn on SFI. On this example, it is given that an affiliate is able to recruit one member and then this one member is able to recruit his own downline (1 more). Here is the example of how will it look like:

1. This is an estimate only! Your actual results will depend on you.
2. Estimate is based on a typical CV (commission volume) per Executive Affiliate (EA) of $20. It is assumed you start as and maintain EA (min. 1,500 VersaPoints) status for yourself.
3. You will likely have some attrition (EAs not meeting the min. 1,500 point EA qualifications) each month. To get an idea of how attrition would affect your commissions, do an estimate that takes attrition into account. For example, if you think that 25% of your EAs will drop below the EA level, instead of basing an estimate on 4 personally sponsored EAs per month, use 3 per month.
4. Additional income can be earned through ECA Royalties, Direct Sales, SFIPPA (Pay Per Action) and SFI contests.
5. For tips and resources for sponsoring Executive Affiliates, click HERE.
For more information on the SFI Compensation Plan, click HERE.
Based on the information you entered, your estimated commissions will be:
$27.30 per month after 6 months ($327.60/yr)
$101.82 per month after 12 months ($1,221.84/yr)
$191.46 per month after 18 months ($2,297.52/yr)
$307.02 per month after 24 months ($3,684.24/yr)
Click here to do another estimate.



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