Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Leaders are Readers

          Today, Rule of Success No. 8 is what I would like to share with you. Again, I would credit this inspiration from Gerry Carson SFI President for sharing these wonderful words to us all. May we learn from this wisdom from Gerry.

“It’s ABSURD to think you can succeed in SFI if you’re not visiting the SFI Affiliate Center at least once a day and reading the latest information and updates. EVERY DAY, at the very least, you should be checking all of the tabs on your SFI homepage (Alerts, Tips, To-Do List, TripleClicks, Ask SC, Scoreboard, etc.). You should also be reading the latests posts on the SFI Forum. If you’re not reading all or most of these things, you are clearly NOT serious about SFI and you will therefore not succeed.
Tip: I post multiple times at the SFI Forum almost every day, including weekends. By reading my posts, you’ll gain a LOT of insights into the direction of the company. You can easily follow all my postings by clicking on my name at the forum and then clicking on the “Search user’s posts” link. Doing so will automatically bring up all my latest postings, sorted newest to oldest (to get the full context of a post, click on the thread titles).

          But don’t stop with the SFI Affiliate Center. Go out on the Web every day and subscribe to marketing newsletters, read business blogs, etc. There’s an absolute wealth of information out there, much of it now 100% free thanks to the Internet. And, of course, there are books galore that will allow you to run circles around the non-readers of the world. We’re even now beginning to get some of these great books at TripleClicks.
          Everything you need for your better future and success has already been written. Go out and get it…and read it. It’s one of the easiest ways to climb the ladder of success.

“Learning is the beginning of wealth. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize it that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do.”
-Albert Einstein
“If you want to be truly successful invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere your success will blossom.”
-Sidney Madwe
Copyright © 2013, Carson Services, Inc.
           Hope we are all inspired by this piece of wisdom from Gerry. And anybody who would like to become a member of SFI family just click on this link: http://www.sfi4.com/11994917/FREE


Tuesday, 24 December 2013

You Make It Happen, No One Else!

          This is Rule no. 7 in SFI’s RULES OF SUCCESS as authored by Gerry Carson, the founder and CEO of Strong Future International (SFI) Marketing Group. Basically, these rules are specified tips given by Gerry for all affiliates to succeed and reach the top of the ladder in SFI. There are many tips and resources that SFI is giving to all affiliates and what each affiliate has to do is only to stay focus and disciplined in his/her  endeavors. For sure, this is the hope and aspirations of our founder that all of us will unceasingly develop our individual business as well as be winners in this race.
" Not only is this a key rule in SFI, but I consider this to be amongst THE most important lessons in life. NO ONE ELSE can make you successful. It’s all up to you. YOU are the “master of your destiny” and responsible for your own success. Period.
Conversely, there’s not anyone or anything that will make you a failure. It does no good to blame the economy, your education, or whatever bad breaks you’ve had in your life. Doing so means taking on a victim’s mentality. DON’T EVER DO THIS. I can guarantee you that many thousands of people have succeeded despite having it much worse, so don’t make excuses and don’t convince yourself that you’re somehow a victim.
And the grass isn’t any greener on the other side either. You have now (or can acquire) everything you need to be successful. Just remember that it’s up to you and nobody else. Then go out and do it.
Now, for those who might be thinking, “well, that’s easy for you to say, Gery!”…the fact is, I’ve achieved what most people would say is extraordinary success, but it was not handed to me, not by any stretch. I come from a very small Nebraska town and very humble beginnings. When I started in business I had no business education, no experience, and no money to invest. And it took four long years (the first two moonlighting into the wee hours of the night while holding down a full-time job), before I ever saw a profit. I had no mentors, no great upline leaders or sponsors to guide me, nor any wealthy relatives to come to my aid. But I decided I was going to become successful and I did. And I’ve put in the work every day for nearly 25 years now to stay successful.
So…it’s not your sponsor. It’s not your upline. It’s not the economy. It’s not the government. It’s not the compensation plan. It’s not any of these things or any other obstacles perceived to be in your way. If you want to become successful, you can go around the obstacles, go over, go under, or go right through them. Success is yours if you want it, but ONLY YOU control this. Always remember: “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.”
“I don’t know what my future holds, but I do know who holds my future.”
“I found it easier to get rich than I did to make excuses.”
-Jim Rohn
“He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else.”
-Benjamin Franklin
“I used to say, ‘things cost too much.’ Then my teacher straightened me out on that by saying, ‘The problem isn’t that things cost too much. The problems is that you can’t afford it.’ That’s when I finally understood that the problem wasn’t it-–the problem was me!”
-Jim Rohn
“Don’t wait for someone else to make your life terrific. That’s your job.”
Source: SFI Affiliate Center.
          Thus, let us all be united in striving for the best in our SFI journey disregarding all hindrances and trivialities that will possibly block our way to the top. If you are interested to join SFI, then just click this link and register:http://www.sfi4.com/11994917/FREE


Saturday, 23 November 2013

Sharing My Fellow Blogger's Blog

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

   When we come into contact with others, one striking element in there is the idea of a give and take relationship. Thus, with that in mind, I am very eager to share with you this blog coming from my fellow blogger:
          Sharing of sites and blogs is one way of promoting one’s work on the blogosphere. Basically, I am so interested in reading and sharing the works of my fellow bloggers since it allows me to enrich myself with their styles and outreaches to their own works. 

           That’s one positive thing I found in blogging. There is a nourishment shared among bloggers and this goes by along with the fast paced evolution of the internet as well. One could not keep himself/herself away from all these innovations. We could not help but embrace what’s going on with our world nowadays. 
          Astonishingly, there is so much to share here, there, and everywhere. Thus join me in enjoying this world of blogging and be open-minded in sharing your thoughts, ideas, sentiments etc on whatever subject you are interested in.


                                                 Active Search Results

Treat Your SFI Business as a Business

          This is actually the first Rule of Success as authored by Gerry Carson, the CEO and founder of Strong Future International. What is being emphasized on this is that any member of SFI should treat it as his/her own business—to commit himself/herself to be on the top.  Moreover, SFI is not an easy get rich scheme but rather it is a business that one needs to fully familiarize with and really puts his/her heart into it. There are numerous materials on SFI to assist any affiliate to be at the top. Hopefully as one reads Gerry’s Rule of Success, he/she will consequently develop a deep rooted sense of owning his own SFI business.
“Treat your business…like a business!
If you purchased a franchise, would you expect it to make money for you if you only worked it a few hours a week? Or if you didn’t get trained? Or if you only tried for a few months? Or if you didn’t follow the proven guidelines of the creators of the franchise?
Of course not! That’s ridiculous. SFI is no different. Success requires commitment.
Treat Business Like Business
I am continually amazed at how many people think that money will somehow magically fall from the sky without work, without plans, or without an earnest commitment. All these elements (and others you’ll read about in the following rules) MUST be present.
The fact is, anything worthwhile in life requires effort and commitment. If that were not true, we’d all be the perfect weight, we’d all have perfect relationships, and we’d all be highly educated. It’s the same thing with having your own business.
In short, if you treat your SFI business as a serious, full-time business, put in the effort and commit to its success, it will become a serious, full-time business.
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
-Peter F. Drucker
“You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers.”
-Les Brown
“There’s no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen.”
-Wayne Dyer
“There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either in or out. There’s no such thing as a life in-between.”
-Pat Riley” 
I am expressing my gratitude to SFI Affiliate Center being my source of this material. If you would like to be an affiliate of SFI, just click on this link: http://www.sfi4.com/11994917/FREE


                                                           Search Engine

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Generating Tripleclicks Sales

As I mentioned on my previous posts here, Tripleclicks stands as the E commerce of SFI. Presently Tripleclicks has 68,704 products and it features the services of 3041 ECAs (E-Commerce Associates) from 131 different countries! For today’s post, I will share with you Tripleclicks free listing program. This would endow information on both members and non-members regarding this very integral part of SFI.
“People are always looking for easy ways to put some money in their pocket. And people also usually have items they no longer need or want. Children outgrow perfectly good toys. Teenagers outgrow perfectly good clothes. Adults outgrow perfectly good golf clubs. :-) Indeed, millions of perfectly good products of all kinds are outgrown, abandoned, and retired every day!
Except for highly organized individuals, these items wind up in closets, attics, and garages, taking up valuable space while (usually) fading in value as they sit. But with the TC Free Listing Program, this clutter can be converted into cash—quickly, simply, easily.
And the timing couldn’t be better. With the huge downturn in the global economy, especially in the United States, demand for this service is skyrocketing. Indeed, reports indicate that pawn shops are doing record business right now. There’s little doubt that SFI affiliates worldwide, through TripleClicks, can tap into this same vein with great results.
Here’s how the Free Listing Program works:
In short, simply give away free sample listings at TC!
It’s easy, thanks to a variety of X-Cards, E-Cards, Postcards, text ads, tabbed fliers, and banners available for you to use, all offering a free, complementary listing at TC—plus a list of marketing methods to help you get these offers in front of your customers.
The Free Listing promotion allows beginning affiliates to taste success by just giving away free samples and generating sales from customers INDIRECTLY. There’s no need to learn details about any specific TC products; no need to sweat over which product or products to promote. We’ve made building a member list as easy as handing out X-Cards, putting up fliers, or running free classified ads!
And once your prospective customer has entered a free listing, he or she is recorded as one of your personally referred members. Upon seeing the value of TripleClicks, they’ll hopefully go on to buy TCredits to purchase other products, list other items they want to sell, or bid on Pricebenders penny auctions. And, of course, for every credit or product they buy, you earn Direct Commissions and VersaPoints!
In fact, you can earn executive affiliate (EA) status for yourself by generating sales for just 15 single credits… or seven 10-packs of credits…or just one 200-pack of credits.
You can order your TC Free Listing X-Cards, postcards, etc. at TripleClicks (log in using your SFI ID and password), in the SFI > TripleClicks department. Or, you can get hooked up with other great Free Listing promotional methods and marketing aids HERE.
MPORTANT NOTE: To help you get started with the Free Listing program, you can pick up FREE credits to give away to your prospects. Check out these RULES FOR PARTICIPATION.
Also, be sure to read over the TC General FAQs HERE and the TC Credits FAQs HERE, both of which covers many other details and aspects of TripleClicks.
One last thing: The ECA Program allows commercial sellers and companies of all kinds, from around the world, to market their products and services side-by-side with your own products and services at TripleClicks.com. There’s no cost for ECAs to list their products and services, and they can immediately begin taking advantage of the exposure and growing worldwide traffic of TripleClicks.com. It’s a “slam dunk” for them…and a potential profit windfall for YOU, should you be the affiliate who referred them! Get more information HERE.”
Hope you will learn something on how Tripleclicks program of SFI works. Thanks a lot to SFI Affiliate Center for being my source of this material. If ever you want to be a member of SFI, just click on this link: http://www.sfi4.com/11994917/FREE


                                                     Active Search Results

SFI Powertools

          On this post, I would like to share with you one of the powertools of SFI. And by reading this information, anybody can have an idea on how to improve one’s standing on SFI.
E-Commerce Associates
What is it?
S-Builder is our new, international, multi-channel advertising co-op available to all SFI affiliates, giving you the ability to accelerate your path to success by purchasing shares.
Just as a small fire produces little heat, small actions produce small results. With S-Builder, you can turn up the heat as hot as you want and propel your business forward.
No Time? No Experience? No problem!
Less than a daily cup of coffee!
          No longer is a lack of time or marketing experience a roadblock to success with SFI. With S-Builder, you can simply plug in to our global advertising co-op and within a few weeks begin receiving sign-ups (both SFI affiliates and TC members).
Just 72 cents a day gets you on your way
          Units (shares) of S-Builder cost as little as $22. That means that for just 72 cents a day, you can be building a residual income stream for you and your family. Indeed, S-Builder is one of most economical ways to build an online business ever!
Make sure you read and understand the following:
          The great benefit of our co-op is that it allows persons of even modest means to participate in large-scale advertising campaigns and share in the results without a significant investment. But it is an investment nonetheless, and no specific results are guaranteed, and no refunds are available. We EXPECT to produce results you will be satisfied with but we can make no assurances. If the co-op does great, all participants will share in this good fortune. But conversely, if the co-op does not do well, all participants will similarly share in its lack of results. Make certain, before you purchase any units, that you understand this. And under no circumstances should you invest any money into S-Builder Co-op that you cannot afford to lose.

Ref: SFI Affiliate Center


                                                   Active Search Results

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Sample Earnings from SFI

          This is an example of how an affiliate could earn on SFI. On this example, it is given that an affiliate is able to recruit one member and then this one member is able to recruit his own downline (1 more). Here is the example of how will it look like:

1. This is an estimate only! Your actual results will depend on you.
2. Estimate is based on a typical CV (commission volume) per Executive Affiliate (EA) of $20. It is assumed you start as and maintain EA (min. 1,500 VersaPoints) status for yourself.
3. You will likely have some attrition (EAs not meeting the min. 1,500 point EA qualifications) each month. To get an idea of how attrition would affect your commissions, do an estimate that takes attrition into account. For example, if you think that 25% of your EAs will drop below the EA level, instead of basing an estimate on 4 personally sponsored EAs per month, use 3 per month.
4. Additional income can be earned through ECA Royalties, Direct Sales, SFIPPA (Pay Per Action) and SFI contests.
5. For tips and resources for sponsoring Executive Affiliates, click HERE.
For more information on the SFI Compensation Plan, click HERE.
Based on the information you entered, your estimated commissions will be:
$27.30 per month after 6 months ($327.60/yr)
$101.82 per month after 12 months ($1,221.84/yr)
$191.46 per month after 18 months ($2,297.52/yr)
$307.02 per month after 24 months ($3,684.24/yr)
Click here to do another estimate.



Growing On SFI: A2A Program

          In SFI, we are so fortunate to have so many affiliates and they are, in one way or the other, very much supportive to each of our growth in our SFI business. Many various forms of assistance come from individual sponsors as well as from fellow affiliates. One of these ways in journeying together is through the sharing of tips. This exactly is what I wanted to share with you today on this post. Listed below are just some of the tips coming from SFI Affiliate Center intended for all members as well as for anybody who wants to be a member of SFI soon or someday.

a2a 2.0
          As an a2a member, you already know that a2a allows you to search, browse, and exchange messages with any SFI affiliate. You’re also aware that a2a allows you to identify and befriend SFI affiliates in your own country, state/province, or city; or search by gender, age, join date, common goals, and more…or any combination, as well as create “best buddy” lists, brainstorm, share tips, discuss SFI news, and more.

          With a2a 2.0, we’ve integrated this resource even more into SFI–with an a2a tab on your SFI homepage and 1 VP a day awarded to affiliates for visiting it. It also uses a2a members’ real names and SFI account photos, so you know exactly who you’re dealing with.
          You can also access a2a via Affiliate Snapshots (the “mini-profile pages” you see when you click on an affiliate’s name at the SFI Affiliate Center–such as the names on the various leaderboards). This makes it super easy to connect with fellow affiliates. When you open an Affiliate Snapshot, for example, you’ll see an a2a “Friend Request” button. Just click this button and follow the simple directions to become friends with the affiliate. Note: The a2a button will not appear if the affiliate isn’t an a2a member.
For more information on a2a 2.0 and answers to frequently asked questions, see this page.

Not yet an a2a 2.0 member? It only take a few seconds to get started:
          To get started with a2a 2.0, everyone must register (even those who were previously members of a2a, version 1) from the new a2a tab on the Affiliate Centerhomepage.
          Upon submitting your registration, you’ll get 60 VersaPoints instantly. Plus, you’ll also get a cool, a2a 2.0 badge for your homepage. NOTE: Due to privacy issues, the SFI system cannot maintain past relationships established in a2a version 1.0. However, you can get started fresh right now and begin befriending affiliates immediately.”
(Reference courtesy of SFI Affiliate Center)
          With this a2a program, each SFI affiliate is accorded with the opporunity to build connections with other members most notably those who belong to the same country. SFI indeed is very generous in sharing resources for all affiliates so as to embody on each one the true model of an SFI affiliate-that is to grow in the business and make it to the top.


Monday, 21 October 2013

Strong Future International (SFI) Tripleclicks Business Model

          Here is another material on SFI. When one reads through them, he/she will gain further information on the business and will receive information on how to progress in the business.

Strong Future International (SFI)  has more than 1.5 Million  members and increasing at a rate of 16 thousands per week. Members are earning online by doing real internet business of buying and selling more than 60 thousands products from almost 3,000 vendors from more than 200 countries.As members, we earn commission from any product we sold outside of SFI and from the purchases of our affiliates. We also earn share from Executive Pool,  plus four other income  streams. Developing all streams of income at SFI can give us lucrative source of monthly income that builds up for years. Personally I look at SFI as my future full time income even in my retirement.

    SFI utilizes two websites, www.sfimg.com  and www.tripleclicks.com
In www.sfimg.com is where affiliate marketing is happening. As incentive, the company has put up 40% of its profit as Executive Pool where all qualified members get a share according to his rank and points (called Versa Points or VP). Simply put it, the more VP you earn the bigger share you have from this executive pool.

There are requirements to be able to share from this executive pool and one of those is the 1500 min./2000 max.VP you earned from buying items from Triple Clicks. So everyone who wants to get share from Executive Pool should also buy.This makes the system  works and sustainable. If you don’t have the money to buy you must sell some items from Triple Clicks so that you earn 45% of the commission value  and use part of it for your own strategic purchase. Your best customer of course is your affiliates who also want to have a share in the executive pool.

   The second website of SFI  www.tripleclicks.com  is an online store where all members of SFI are also members automatically. This is where who wants to qualify for the executive pool can buy any item he likes. The best thing here is, SFI members can also sell his his own products  if he has, or products of other members. Even his used things  at home can also be sold at TripleClicks. Non-SFI members can also buy and sell in Triple Clicks by signing up  at Triple Clicks website only.
All items in Triple Clicks are priced in three currencies, MRP, TC and in Dollars. You can earn or win MRP and TC within SFI and Triple Clicks, and you can use MRP,TC or Dollars to buy the product you like.

Each item is also given a Commission Value (CV) in dollars. CV is the profit margin of the item where it is shared by qualified members and SFI comapny.
Each Item is also assigned Versa Points (VP) where members can earn when they buy the items. Members need this VP to qualify him to share in the executive pool.

The owner of the item of course, gets the price tag of the item and member gets 45% of the commission value (CV) of the products he sold, either to his affiliates or across the internet.
There are other exciting things inside these two websites. There are contest, draws where you can win money, TC, MRP and other valuable items as prizes. The are also games inside the Triple Clicks, and the most exciting part is the penny auction called Pricebenders  where all members can participate and can buy items up to 99% off of its price.

A member has not to worry if he don’t know anything. Once you signed up you can access the training materials and information worth thousands of dollars for you to learn FREE. There is also a forum where you can ask just anything about SFI.  So, the road to success is literally set-up already for anyone who is willing to learn and work towards it.

Thus if you are interested to join SFI, just click on this link:

(Thanks to Ronilo Saguit, my fellow SFI member, for sharing this material through SFI)


Friday, 18 October 2013

How To Get Started with SFI

          On this post, allow me to share with you this reference which I will borrow from our resource center SFI. The concern on this resource is on earning from SFI. If any affiliate will follow the basic of SFI, it is also very possible that he/she will earn money through commission on his/her own SFI business.
“Basically there are two ways in which one can be more familiarized himself/herself with SFI. There are SFI BASICS and LAUNCHPAD.
1. Start earning money by accumulating VersaPoints
One of the reasons why SFI is so successful is because it’s so easy to get started. In fact, you can immediately begin earning income from the TripleClicks Executive Pooljust by scoring VersaPoints for doing simple actions that help you become successful in SFI.

Each time you complete an action on your SFI To-Do List, you instantly earn the points attached to that action. Some actions are worth 10 points, some 20 points, some as much as 150 points.
So, your first objective in SFI is to earn as many VersaPoints as you can each month. The more VP you score, the higher your rank and the more you can earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Receive a share of our big, companywide pool with a minimum of just 1500 VP a month!
• Click HERE for your SFI To-Do List for a complete list of pointable actions
Note that by earning at least 10 VP each day you’ll also qualify for our daily drawing for $1000 in prizes! Learn moreHERE.
2. Increase your earnings by generating sales at TripleClicks.com
Woman using Tripleclicks.comEach time someone you’ve told about TripleClicks or SFI buys something atTripleClicks.com, you earn a sweet 45% CV Direct Commission! PLUS, you also earn all the VersaPoints on the order too if they are not an SFI affiliate!
And how great is this: SFI takes care of all order processing, payments, product shipments, and customer service (including live chat) for you–all at no cost to you! And if all that wasn’t enough, you can keep earning those big 45% commissions every time they buy something at TripleClicks.com–for life!
About TripleClicks: TripleClicks.com is one of the fastest growing and most popular e-commerce sites on the Web today. With more than 67,000 products (and hundreds of new products being added weekly), TripleClicks has something for everyone—and that makes online sales both lucrative and fun! We’ve also partnered with thousands of companies from all over the world (including AUSTRALIA) so you can earn commissions on the sales of thousands of high-profit international and local products too!
HOW do you generate TripleClicks sales? The actual strategies you can use are unlimited, but we recommend you start with the dozens of methods we’ve listed in our marketing section:
• Click HERE for methods for generating TripleClicks sales
Note that many of the methods are 100% FREE, can be done entirely on the Internet
(no face-to-face selling), and can be put into action within minutes!
Plug into S-Builder Co-op to sign up TripleClicks members (sales prospects). Learn more.
3. Maximize your income with sponsoring and duplication
Scoring VersaPoints and generating sales at TripleClicks.com are a great way to start earning money with SFI, but if you want to a create a major monthly income stream, you must employ sponsoring and duplication.
Anyone can get someone to sign up free as an affiliate, and even earn some 45% Direct Commissions via TripleClicks sales, but if you stop there, you’ll be leaving the big bucks for someone else.
The KEY to creating a major income in SFI is by learning to lead and grow a TEAM of active SFI affiliates. As a Team Leader, you’ll turn on one of the most lucrative components of the SFI compensation plan: VersaPoints Matching.
VersaPoints Matching means that every month you can get matching shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool on every affiliate under you within up to 12 generations downline (and on every one of your Co-Sponsored Affiliates, too). In other words, for every VP they earn, YOU can earn matching VP! Many of our affiliates earn thousands of matching shares each month on the activities of hundreds of affiliates!
Here’s how YOU can too: Whenever you sign up an affiliate, do what a sponsor is supposed to do! That is, help them become active doing the basics explained on this page. Teach them, encourage them, and cheer them on! Soon they will be scoring VersaPoints for a multitude of actions and sponsoring their own affiliates every month and adding generations to your team! As this “duplication” takes place, your earnings can explode because you can now be earning thousands of additional shares of the TripleClicks Executive Poolbecause of the actions of generations of affiliates under you!
By the way, SFI provides you with many different ways to easily communicate (“communicate to duplicate”) and work with your affiliates. This includes 24-hour live chat, group messaging (send emails to your entire group with just one click), and even Twitter-like instant posting to all your affiliates.
HOW do you sign up SFI affiliates? The actual strategies you can use are unlimited, but we recommend you start with the dozens of methods we’ve listed in our marketing section:
• Click HERE for methods for signing up SFI affiliates
Note that many of the methods are 100% FREE, can be done entirely on the Internet
(no face-to-face selling), and can be put into action within minutes!
Once you’ve started signing up affiliates, put on your leader hat and begin creating the all-important, income-boosting duplication!
Plug into S-Builder Co-op to start sponsoring affiliates quickly and easily. Learn more.
4. Add supplemental income streams (optional)
Want to earn even more? If desired, you can add up to three additional income streams:

A) Co-sponsor SFI affiliates and add monthly 15% commissions (and matching VersaPoints too).
B) Refer ECAs (E-Commerce Associates) to TripleClicks and you can earn upfront VersaPoints and lucrative cash royalties for life! Simply refer companies that sell products to your ECA Gateway. For each that becomes an approved ECA, you can earn VP and 10% of the CV on all of their sales at TripleClicks.com–for life! Plus, you’ll earn an immediate 100 VP when your ECA lists their first product.
C) SFI’s Pay-Per-Action (SFIPPA) program allows you to act as an advertiser for SFI and earn supplemental income by getting others to take actions such as filling out forms. Earn up to $12 per action.”- Source: Carson Services, Inc.
On my coming post, I will share with you the ways to improve your SFI standing through the SFI LAUNCHPAD. And if anybody who will be interested to join our business, just visit this site:http://www.sfi4.com/11994917/FREE